Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October begins

When a door closes, another opens up.

When an opportunity ends, another opens up.

When a window closes, your air conditioning performs better.


Looking forward to Halloween.  I have no reason to look forward to it.  I put my two Halloween blow up decorations in the front yard this morning.  One is working fine.  The other (my favorite one - yoda kid) seems to have to have the little motor struck in order to work.  Then, after a while with the wind blowing, it must be hit again.  Sad really.  As the past two days continue, the blow up works sometimes then stops.  Then, starts again on its own.  go figure.

Our neighborhood has trick & treaters followed by parents.  It is a busy evening.  And, the locals like to talk and respond to what's happening.  It really has been a nice neighborhood.  Oct. 1st is the National night out.  Our neighborhood does that too with a fire truck and games and food trucks and folks just sitting around chatting.  Nice.

Oooooo Oooooo  Last year, little kids would walk up on our yard just to look at the young Yoda.  Cute.


Last year (keeping a theme going), a school bus came by the house about 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Little kids would board or "get off" at our corner.  This was great for our dogs because it gave them a chance to bark and snort.  Not this year.  I don't know where the Yellow bus went.  😉 You might say, "I wonder where the Yellow went, when you brush your...."  I know the dogs miss their afternoon romp and bark.  Now, we have to wait for stay-at-home moms to push their babies by the house in the strollers so we can bark.  Sad days for barking dogs.


We did go to the Natl Night Out.  We rode our 2 little scooters and drove the Marauder to the event.  It was nice.  There was big ole fire truck - about 4 or 5 volunteer firemen - 3 or 4 policemen from the sheriff's office.   The bounce house was popular and so was the cornhole tournament.  3 food trucks were available along with one of "icee" trucks.   Daughter and wife had nachos - big - covered in cheese and pulled pork.  I had a brisket sandwich.  Both were okay.   Next time I'll bring a wash cloth in a plastic bag.  As it was I washed my BBQ hands with a diet coke and a napkin.  It worked.

We left just before dark with battery powered lights strung across the backs.  I don't know if it is legal to drive a scooter on the roads.  But, we did.  The wife seemed to have a very nice time.  It was a nice night out.  Looking forward to next year's.

and I close.  October hopes to be a nice month.  I hope it is for you too.


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