Saturday, January 23, 2021


I first wrote of this on Jan. 19th -- see that blog below plus others --  about "shortages" I cannot find in my Corsicana grocery stores.

My daughter Laura is a worrier.  She got on this project of finding me Grape Nuts and wouldn't let go.  Think of a dog and his bone.  You just try to pull that bone out of his mouth.

She looked in Waxahachie and couldn't find.  She had promises (I think) that Grape Nuts are coming.  didn't come.

At last, she went to Walmart.Com - found Grape Nuts online -- placed an order for 3 boxes ---

Total cost would be about $17.  { I don't think Walmart delivers to Corsicana; but, they will deliver to a Waxahachie address. }   3 boxes ordered.   She got the word.  Delivery is today (Saturday).


A big Budget Rental truck arrived and delivered a big Walmart box.   Inside her house Laura opened the box and called us.   It, the big box, had one box of Grape Nuts inside and a notice that the other two boxes were back ordered.  This big box had shipped from Sherman, Texas, up near the Oklahoma border.  Look that up on your map.

The two back-ordered boxes are scheduled for Monday delivery.

I am sure - since Laura may not be home on Monday when the delivery occurs - the national ring of grape nut burglars will be following the truck and will snatch them up.  Them burglars be notorious in this part of the west.   

So - to sum this up -  I am GRAPE - FULL to daughter Laura for her efforts.

now an aside:

Have gone to and typed in Grape Nuts.  You can buy a 4 pound box of grape nuts for $110.90.  Yes.   $110.90 for a 4 lb box.   But, wait hey, there is  Free Delivery.    

My one little box is 29 oz.  That is 1 lb 13 oz.  So a 4 lb box is about  2 1/2 boxes equivalent.   $110.90.  I looked on Amazon.  One guy is selling a box for about $200.  Yes.  $200.  That should qualify for free delivery too.  

The question:  when I finally get my one box (29 oz), should I eat it?   Frame it?   Put it on Amazon and make a $180 profit?  Normally it sells for about $3 or $3.50 or so.    I'm thinking about trying to corner the market and become the Grape Nut King.

Serially Yours,


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