Saturday, January 12, 2019

Jan 11

Friday, Jan 11th.
Had things to do today.  I awoke before 8 this morning; but, I was able to roll over and go back to sleep.  Knowing that I had to get "after" it, I pulled myself out by 8.  Ate breakfast and did all those early morning things we all do - or should do.
We had 2 reasons to go to town this morning:
1.  the Marauder has the "check engine" light burning.  I had checked the gas cap; not the problem.  Dropped the Merc off at Rusty's. about 9:20 or so.  Thinking that I would try to be friendly and continue our relationship  (I like Rusty) I started off trying to comment about him taking days off work.  He seems to work everyday in his own shop.  Instead of just replying to me, he began a different type of conversation...namely, he doesn't like days off .... and he really does like it when we have holidays.  Certain Monday holidays cause govt. agencies to become slow in paying his bills. One of his suggestions was that Thanksgiving be moved to the 4th Friday instead of the 4th Thursday.  And, perhaps, Christmas should always be on Monday - or Friday - or the weekend.
He seems to have a problem with holidays interfering with work.  This guy sounds like a high school band director.  We need to practice practice practice - we don't need no stinking holidays.  I'm looking forward to hearing what is wrong with the car - and how many millions I will be out.
2.  Oscar and Bruno need shots.   10 a.m. appointment.  Bruno came out at 30 lbs- Oscar 22 lbs.  Naturally when their ears were checked - yep - red - need medicine - Both of them - 6 to 8 drops of  ear drops once a day.  Have you ever held a squirming dog and tried to put 6 to 8 drops into an ear?
Here is a list of care for each dog:  Preventative care exam;  K9 Bordetella Oral; Lepto 4; Fecal Panel; Heartworm Test; Mometamax 15 gm; Nail Trim; Heartgard box ----
All of this for only $410.37.    Visa thanks you.

To make amends to the boys, I opened a can of dog food and mixed it with their dry food.  They do so love that mix.

Bruno has two - count em - two broken teeth - molars.- I see an operation in his near future.  I'm sure that will be cheap.  This brings me back to Karma.
If Karma be real - Me been bad boy somehow - but why punish my wife?  She's never a bad boy.
Whine.   That's my new middle name:   WHINE
see ya,


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