Alzheimer (s) = I am having a problem with my spell check here. It won't allow me to use the letter S at the end. Instead it insist (another funny word) (insistststst) that I use the apostrophe at the end of the word, followed by the S. Thus: Alzheimer's does not show up on spell check. Whew. But doesn't that make the word "Alzheimer's" possessive? What does it possess? I am so fortuanate (oops) fortunate that I did not receive this word on a spelling test in my youth. Frankly, I was fortunate that I moved up through the grades as a child and graduated out of taking weekly spelling tests.
It makes me wonder if Alzheimer's (the word) can be plural - or is it always plural sounding. When I say the word, I put the letter T in the middle of it. Ain't no T folks. I'm wrong and have been told so locally. Now that I am stuck in this groove, I shall attempt to move forward instead around and round in a meaningless circle away from the central theme of this missive.
We ate lunch at Furr's Cafeteria (notice the possessive form of Furrs). Roger/Penney and the g-girls went. We met my wife's uncle Gordon Dale { (he goes by 2 first names-last name not listed here )-----( My wife grew up as Brenda Joy - and is now called Brenda without the Joy - is there Humor here? Her first grade class had 4 Brenda(s), so 3 were called by middle names too while the 4th went just by Brenda. ) } Believe I am circling the word wagon again. Anyway, we met Uncle Gordon Dale and his daughter and her 2 kids. Also arriving was her Uncle Kent and Aunt Doyce. Kent and Gordon Dale are brothers.
To the meat of this stone we go.
Kent has Alzheimer's. His condition is worsening. He is still functioning in public even though he does things which are a bit wrong - like shaking hands with any and everybody he meets. He seems to know some faces but is unable to recall the name. He is a friendly Alzheimer's. I would think that it is sorta like Drunks. There are friendly drunks; there are mean drunks; there are happy drunks; there are despondent drunks; drunks come in a wide variety. I assume that Alzheimer's patients come in different varieties. And you know what assume means.
Kent has been placed in a assisted living home for now. He had become a bit too much for Doyce to handle out on their farm. She moved into a duplex nearby and visits him constantly. Kent is secure in his new home.
Yesterday, she would tell him what to eat next. He seemed to like eating the brightly colored foods first. Good plan. She would not let him eat the chocolate pie until he finished his other meal. It was a great deal like eating out with a child - a friendly, happy child.
The ROLL:::::He took his roll and put it in his breast pocket. It seems that in the past, Kent always took the roll home to feed the birds. In his present situation, they do not want them bringing back food. Doyce had him remove the roll three different times. Finally, she took it away from him. He did look puzzled to me. Interesting.
LAST BIT:::::Kent plays dominoes. I understand he is quite good and rarely loses. Non-domino players may not know that you play by adding up the dots to make scores. Scoring is with anything that is divisible by 5 = 5, 10,15,20,25 etc. For him to play dominoes, he has to be able to do this addition in his head. Gordon Dale goes down weekly and plays with Kent. Rarely can GD beat Kent. That is my question. How does a person who cannot remember names or to keep the roll out of his pocket - how does he play dominoes? I am not trying to make fun here. To me it is fascinating.
Obviously it must be a different part of the brain that works this function. I find that to be quite interesting. I am too old to go back to school and study this subject with any great degree. I've heard of Alzheimer's patients who would sit and play piano. I'm sure some of my dear readers have heard of others. You can put them in the comments below if you wish. Just curious, I am (Yoda speaking here)
moving on, later
A "STONE" is a family word for a personal story or thought, not quite an essay or short story. We moved to central Texas to be near a daughter. We are down to only one wirehair dachshund - Sadie. (Goodbye in 2021 to Oscar the ball boy and Bruno the larger twin) & my wife -- penned by a retired Texas H.S. band director - just nonsense thoughts unrelated to each other or anything other than what's happening and comments.
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