Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Crusoe the celebrity dachshund

This is not my Wed. blog.  I visited Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund's website and was amused.  Crusoe will always amuse.
I will admit my failings should I ever have any. Perchance I have a minor failing when it comes to my love of all things dachshund. Above is Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund's website. He had just had a competition for a Centerfold Doxie. You can subscribe to his website.
My favorite (non- winner) was Jeffrey - a fabulous name and a great looking wire-hair. You should really visit this site - and if you misguidedly think some other breed of pup is better than my doxies, you should start your own website. There could be fortunes to be made.
Speaking of places to visit - note the line at the bottom of this page.
When you have a chance, sign up for easier delivery to your mailbox.  See little box on right to check ???

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