Friday, August 5, 2011

Grammy Camp 2011, Day 5

Day 5, Friday

This was another slow day.   We wrapped the kids up and headed for town.  Our plan:  introduce them to the cheesy world of garage sales.  The local paper listed 7.   First we set the rules:  1.  We are going to be nosy, not to spend money.  Estate sales are especially good since we get to see the inside of a house.  2.  keep your hands back.  3.  you may not get anything, it just depends upon what's there because everything one sees is trash to another soul.

Our first stop was a bomb.  The address did not jive with any house.  We moved on.  2nd stop was an estate sale in one of the older homes around.   The sign on the door said, "Absolutely no children,  no bambinos."   After I walked through the house and started the conversation, she said to bring the kids in - cause they are not bambinos.  It seems that these people bring 25 kids and turn them loose to run through the house.  The walls of the house were wood with old cloth wallpaper.  In the back a piece of the ceiling had come down.  The wood ceiling had a pattern wallpaper.  They had nailed sheetroock on top of the wallpaper and painted it.   Someone forgot to use enough nails to keep the ceiling up.  Really an old house, needs work, handman's get the picture.

The next stops were just normal stops.  We skipped one place which had only clothes showing.   When we finished it was off to the Sirloin Stockade.

Side Bar:  Today is my wife & mine's 49th anniversary.  A major outing is somewhat out of the question with 3 kids in tow.  Thus, for our celebration:   garage sales and sirloin stockade.  The Romance continues.

The g'kids each created a card for us.  The refrig now holds such bounty.

Back home was watch TV, play video games, throw the ball for Oscar,  water the yard -- and at 7 p.m.  the movie Tangled.  There can be no grandparents as exciting as we.

More company comes tomorrow.

Purple Martins:   We have 2 houses out by the lake.  When I walked to the dock to start our water pump, the underside was loaded with birds - purple martins - mostly young one (you can tell by the light colored stomachs).  Without trying I flush somewhere between 50 & 100 -  Tried to count but those little beggars are fast and furious.   I love purple martins.

One final thing for now:   Brother Jim's chihuahua Charley died last night at the Vet's office.  He was anemic and had quit eating plus....   The vet was talking about $800 to $1000 to more for an operation to see if certain things were the cause.   Charley passed before a decision could be properly made.  Charley came to them from the neighbors.   He liked Jim and stayed after a fashion.  There is more to that stone, but it will wait.

Tomorrow Saturday,  I cannot remember what is in the envelope.  I hope it is sleep late, eat lots, and leave the grandfather to putter about.

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