Friday, March 4, 2011

Septic Stone

Today I was up at 7 - early for me.   A guy was coming to work on our septic system.  We have had a problem since last fall.   Out on the other side of the fence, water has been bubbling up - the weeds are especeially green.  They like that sewer water, personalize fertilizer fluid, you might say.  I wouldn't, but you might. 

I've let it go for a while for a couple of reasons: 
I am cheap. 
I don't know a septic guy
It was leaking way out there
It has been cold and I could ice skate on the small sewer lake

What got me off dead center was the actual septic tank.  Wate was squirting out the side of it forming a small creek winding across the lawn towards the lake.  It squirted with vigor.  Being Mr. Handyman, yesterday I removed the green septic tank cover to see.  The discharge line had come unglued from the outlet pipe.  I shut off the unit and shoved the two pieces back together.  I turned the machine back on and quickly received a shower.   A septic shower is certainly fun.  Don't let anyone tell you it is not.   Fun - gurgle - spash - of course, no smell.

I shut it off again and opened a bi-pass valve  - turned it back on - worked like a dream.  Then, who knows why, I decided to close the bi-pass just a little bit in order to get some water out of the tank into the discharge lines.  Those valves do not have any markings - one slight twist a little too far and guessed it...  I got my 2nd shower.

Through trial and error, my septic showers stopped.

A young guy named Chad was to be here about 8.   At 9:30   -   there he was with his hired helper, a nice guy named Henry.  They had stopped for a real breakfast.  I had sat by the window, waiting and working on my taxes.  They went right to work - dug a hole and fixed the line outside the fence.  Went back to the tank and fixed 2 different problems.  They were gone in 1 1/2 hours, all fixed - total charge, which I think was quite reasonable- what do I know,  $175.  

Considering I had that sewer creek running across the back yard.  This $$ was a blessing.  I like to say it was paid from my "Slush" fund. 

We have a bit of an odor out back.  The dogs don't care.  Skunks are not drawn to it for mating season.   Sooo,  I guess it will be okay till the next big rain sterilizes the area, hopefully tonight.
Little side bit.  Chad is a Texas Tech fan.  He loves Tech and wears a Tech hat when he is here.  He knows my Tech affliation, and we have had several lively talks about the future of the Tech athletic dept.  I am an expert on fixing athletic departments you know, you know.   Obviously, Chad has studied Administration de la Athletic Departments, too.   Chad has a girl friend and other folks out in Lubbock that he visits regularly.  I enjoyed chatting with him and Henry.    Suppose it is good to have a Tech buddy in the septic biz.  Rings a bit true for past athletic seasons we have had this year.

more later, y'all take care now
m3, mtz

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